The Greening of the Data Center

Jill Feblowitz
Practice Director, Business Technology Energy Insights

Jill Feblowitz is a nationally recognized thought leader in the application of information technology to the business problems of the energy industry. Her understanding of the needs of the industry is grounded in experience over the last 25 years working as a consultant and in the field. Ms. Feblowitz has consulted professionals in the energy industry – working with all levels from traders and engineers to C-Level executives – representing Information Technology, Downstream Oil & Gas, Trading & Risk Management, Generation, Transmission Distribution, and Customer Service. As Practice Director for Energy Insights, Ms. Feblowitz leads a team of analysts that are currently focusing on the impact of climate change on the deployment of IT in the energy industry. She and her colleagues have researched green IT and IT for green business including utility programs for energy efficient data centers, smart metering, the intelligent grid and carbon emissions management as a part of this theme. Jill also holds a master electrician’s license. Ms. Feblowitz received her B.S. in Urban Studies from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.